
Desserts are ordered by the dozen

Ice Cream is ordered in boxes of 24 unless listed differently

Showing 1–12 of 133 results

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        Reece's Cupcake

        $3.75 Show options

        Cupcake Oreo

        $3.75 Show options

        Cupcake Carrot

        $3.75 Show options

        Yogurt Granola Parfait Strawberry

        Vanilla Yogurt Granola Parfaits/ Strawberry

        $4.50 Show options

        Red Velvet Cupcake

        $3.75 Show options

        Cookie Platter Assorted

        different variations available  

        $55.00 Show options

        Cupcake Platter Assorted 24 pcs

        different variations available for specific orders need 1 week notice. but cupcakes are always available  

        $50.00 Show options